Sunday, January 24, 2016

My February Challenge 2016

Welcome to my new blog! It's named after a song by my favourite band, five seconds of summer, and I'm going to be sharing a bit of everything. I've wanted to start blogging for the longest time, and decided that today would be the day.

I feel as if I've already failed my new year's resolutions, there were far too many of them, so I made this challenge for another fresh start in February, where I can focus on something new every day. I hope this can help me to be the best person I can possibly be.

Monday 1st: do my homework as soon as I get in the house.
I often find myself distracted when I get home from school. I kind of float through the evening, and it goes by so fast that I don't ever really sit down and get stuff done. It's just a spot of reading here, a hint of sketching there, and I subconsciously procrastinate. So on Monday 1st I plan to get to work straight away.

Tuesday 2nd: get involved in sports at school.
I feel like I take my phys ed lessons for granted, it's an opportunity to get up and be active, build relationships and practise teamwork, get away from written work and exams. Sometimes it can be difficult, but we have to do it, so why not try your best?

Wednesday 3rd: compliment as many people as I can.
This really is so important. If you're jealous of somebody, tell them. It can relieve that almost negative feeling towards them, and make both of you happy. If you're wondering about what mascara somebody is wearing, where their bag is from, how they got their hair to look so incredible, ask! And it really doesn't have to be about appearance, complimenting somebody can make their day.

Thursday 4th: attend a yoga/pilates class.
I really enjoy yoga, and recently I have been looking into a few classes at my local leisure centre. I'm sure I'll find a friend to join me. I don't really want to go alone as I'm pretty sure I'd be the youngest there, plus everything is just so much more fun with friends.

Friday 5th: raise my hand in class.
It can feel pretty daunting, because nobody wants to get something wrong in front of all their peers. All you have to remember, is that everyone will forget in a few seconds, and that asking or answering a question in class can really boost your understanding of the studies. You can't learn without mistakes.

Saturday 6th: make my sister's birthday magical.
This is more of a personal goal, but if you'd like to take part in this challenge with me, you could change this one to buying somebody a surprise gift, or sharing food or even something completely different. You choose! However, for me, my little sister means everything to me, and I want her to feel appreciated and loved.

Sunday 7th: change a perspective of me.
I'd never be unkind on purpose, but if maybe something came out wrong or I was awkward talking to someone at some point, I'd like to change how they see me, if that makes sense.

Monday 8th: hang out with somebody new.
I feel like I don't hang out with a big enough variety of people, and that's not good for you. I told myself at the beginning of the year that this would be the year I change that, and I may have a late start, but I can still reach that goal before the end of 2016.

Tuesday 9th: arrange a meeting for the weekend.
It's very easy to let yourself slip into nothingness, to sit around in your pyjamas all day, aimlessly scrolling through Instagram. I want to get out and interact with people and create new inside jokes. I feel like I don't get out the house enough so on Tuesday 9th I'm going to plan a trip with my friends.

Wednesday 10th: write something in my bullet journal.
A bullet journal is a really effective way to organise every confusing part of your life in one book. I was inspired by the studyblr community to make one myself, and it's great for writing lists and schedules and all that jazz. I use it when things are piling up on top of each other and it just sets everything straight.

Thursday 11th: reduce phone time.
I'm not too bad with my phone to be honest, but for the entire evening of Thursday 11th I don't want to be on it at all. I just hate the idea of wasting my teenage years away.

Friday 12th: go lane swimming.
I don't mean splashing around, I mean strong strokes. I want to take up swimming every Friday night for proper exercise, and I just find it to be a relaxing and enjoyable way to get your blood pumping.

Saturday 13th: meet up with a friend.
Whether it be brunch, shopping, going to see a film, having a photoshoot ... there are so many things to do and it's really nice to catch up and laugh with those you love.

Sunday 14th: bake something.
I find baking so therapeutic, and it's some real me time. Alternatively, you could do it with a partner, seeing as it is Valentine's Day, but I am a single pringle {I'm also thirteen, so I'm fine with that aha}.

Monday 15th: write a blogpost.
I love writing; stories, songs, pretend magazine articles, it makes me happy and I think it's important to set aside time for things that you enjoy.

Tuesday 16th: set some healthy eating goals.
Treating your body right is beneficial for your immune system, your self esteem and happy thinking! I have a little bit of an addiction to doritos, so I should probably aim to cut down on those.

Wednesday 17th: do some fashion sketches.
One of the reasons I made this blog is to explore more in the world of fashion. I love designing clothes, specifically theatre costumes. I hardly ever sit down and sketch anymore, and I'd love to get back into it.

Thursday 18th: read.
I love reading, and I normally read for about an hour before I sleep, but I set this goal to make sure I continue with it.

Friday 19th: have a bath.
I have so many LUSH bath products left over from Christmas that I need to use, and it's really nice to have a pamper evening once in a while.

Saturday 20th: watch the sunrise.
I have a big appreciation for the sky and it's many wonders, but I don't get to see many sunrises as I'm normally either getting ready or sound asleep. So I'm going to sit on my balcony with my cup of tea and just watch the world prepare for a new day.

Sunday 21st: clean out my wardrobe.
Or should I say 'floordrobe'. I don't really have a wardrobe anymore because it's all shoved on the floor. It's so stressful when I'm trying to find something, or when I realise something needs to be washed, so I just need to get off my bottom and clear it up.

Monday 22nd: end the day feeling productive.
It's so lovely going to sleep knowing you've done something useful with your day, and you've finally gotten those pesky little jobs out of the way.

Tuesday 23rd: no complaining all day.
When something goes wrong, it really shakes me and I can't stop thinking about it. It must be annoying for everyone else to have to put up with me banging on about something they don't give a monkeys about. So I need to stop.

Wednesday 24th: drink eight glasses of water.
The health benefits for this are endless, and I always opt for tea or juice when I have a drink, so I should probably flush all the bad things from my body.

Thursday 25th: take a photo for my wall.
I have a wall above my desk where I put up some of my favourite pictures that I've taken. I'd love to build up more memories there in 2016.

Friday 26th: plan out the weekend.
Planning things out really helps me stay on track. If I don't make a to do list then I'm completely lost.

Saturday 27th: create a work of art.
It could be with paints, pens, pencils or fabrics. I need to start putting my imagination to good use.

Sunday 28th: go to sleep early.
I don't know why, but especially recently I've been feeling really groggy in the mornings, so hopefully adding an extra hour or two to my night might revitalise my body.

Monday 29th: swap an unhealthy food.
i.e. doritos.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and maybe you'd like to do this with me. Click the pin it button below to share this on your board. Leave me a comment telling me what I could improve on for my next blog post.

Molly x

#myenglishloveaffairblog @myenglishloveaffairblog // Instagram & Tumblr