Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Disconnected: A Goodbye

I'm writing this on my phone in a bit of a panic because if I look hard enough, I can trace every reader of my blog. Two girls from my school have been viewing my posts. I wanted to remain anonymous on all my blogs because then I can share more personal things. I will be making a new blog for the type of posts I'd normally put on here. I've checked and they haven't seen my other blogs and my main blog. I'm just a bit upset because I love blogging on all my different blogs. I can imagine they have been making fun of me. Probably cackled at my 'everything is amazing' post on here.

I have told a select few of my internet friends about all the blogs I run. I'm still going to be posting on those blogs and posts will still be up every monday, Friday and Saturday on my main blog. I can just shut this one down. My posts will still be here but there won't be anymore.

If the two girls are reading this post, I don't want to fall out over this, but I ask for you to not search for my other blogs. It's a hobby that I like to keep to myself and it's quite upsetting to me that I have to shut down this blog that I've had for a long time. It's something I love to do and keep to myself. Staying anonymous is important to me. Please don't tell others because quite frankly that's disrespecting my privacy. If you want to talk to me about it, that's fine.

Sorry this was such a negative post, I'm a little angry if truth be told.

So yeah, this is goodbye I guess.

Lots of love, Molly.