Saturday, February 13, 2016

DIY Surprise Movie Party

My sister and I have had the past couple of days off school, as our half term holidays started early due to inset days. We decided that we wanted to make the most of this time, because both our parents were at work so we were home alone for a few hours each day. We really felt like we needed to give a little something back to our mum and dad, seeing as they have done so much for us. So we decided to put together a little surprise movie night for when they came back from work.

We brainstormed these ideas the weekend before, and checked the date at dinner instead of assuming they would both be free this Friday night. This is definitely a good thing to do as it would be a disaster if they got home and had work to finish, or had plans to meet up with friends. We also arranged it so that our mum picked our dad up, making sure they came home at exactly the same time. The only thing we had issues with was food. Our favourite cuisine is Chinese, so we were going to order a takeaway, but we didn't think through the pickup times, as this takeaway didn't do delivery. It was all okay in the end though!

When our parents walked in through the door, we made them a cup of tea and brought up the food situation. We ended up eating before we revealed the surprise. Then I retrieved the first clue for the treasure hunt from my bedroom, and played the music playlist we made for the party. It had songs like 'At The End Of The Day' from Les Mis, 'He's A Pirate' from Pirates Of The Caribbean and 'I Wan'na Be Like You' from The Jungle Book. Here are the clues we made. We sourced them from random sites we found on pinterest.

1. Finding the clue will be a treat! Look for it where you grab something to eat.
2. Now that you are nicely fed, go to the place where Moj lays her head.
3. The next place that you'll need to look, is where Lizzi would pick up a book.
4. Have you heard the news? The next clue is where we keep our shoes.
5. Looking for the missing link? Take a peek in our bathroom sink.
6. Have we left you wanting more? Why not check the front door.
7. When our clothes get dirty, here is where they go. Find this spot and the next clue you'll know.
8. Diddly doo, diddly dee, the next one's where you go to pee.
9. Every evening it's where we meet, look under the place where we sit to eat.
10. If you want your teeth to shine, pick this up and spend some time.
11. Looking for the final prize, the next one's where Lizzi looks into her eyes.

The prize for the treasure hunt was four tickets, with each of our names on them. We also made a sign for the door to the living room, that said 'Place Tickets Here' in my attempt at calligraphy. There was a pocket on the sign for the tickets. I framed the sign with purple paper and made a fake string with plain white paper, so it looked like it was properly hung up.

We opened the door to the living room, which we had decorated with lots of bunting and a huge decorative paper flower. We made curtains and put them over the television by tying fabric with hair bobbles. We put some popcorn, chocolate roses, sweets and crisps in bowls on the table. We put blankets and duvets and cushions on the sofas too.

Once they had sat down, we gave out the voting papers to decide which film we were going to watch. Our options were Alice In Wonderland, Evan Almighty, Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, Les Miserables and About Time. Everybody had to tick the two that they most wanted to watch, and we decided on Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. However, the DVD wouldn't work for some reason, so we watched a film that Mum bought the other day, about Stephen Hawkings, called The Theory of Everything. While the film was going through the adverts at the beginning, we did a movie quiz, that we got from The Independent website. It was an incredible film, but it was so sad!

We had a lovely evening, and I would definitely recommend surprising your parents like this. Everybody was very happy and we went to bed with smiles on our faces. Leave me a comment telling me something you thank your parents or friends for!

Molly Rose x

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