Monday, February 29, 2016

My Happiness

Recently my mood has been a bit all over the place, I guess it's my body changing and all that jazz, but I wanted to write this while I'm feeling bubbly and positive, so when I'm perhaps not in such a good mood, I can read over this and it will hopefully make me smile. In no particular order, here are a few things that make me happy.

1. The Sky
Looking up at the sky is always guaranteed to give me a little joy as I adore every type of weather there is. Sunny skies make feel alive and bright, dreary skies make me feel cosy and sunsets or sunrises are always gorgeous. I feel as if the sky also makes me feel grateful for the world we are so lucky to live in, and I start appreciating the little things.

2. Tea.
I'm very much the stereotypical British girl, and I love it. In the words of Carrie Hope Fletcher {who I love by the way}, tea is 'a hug in a mug'. It just makes me feel so cosy and relaxed, and I'm rarely without a cup of the stuff near by. It concerns me to think of the accumulative amount of time I've spent making tea.

3. Travelling.
I have so many places I'm desperate to visit that I haven't already. Travelling is so exciting and refreshing. I plan to see as much of the planet as I can in my lifetime. I recently spent some time in Germany, as you may have read in my previous post, and it reminded me of how many incredible opportunities there are that would be such a shame not to take.

4. Writing.
My love for writing is the reason I started this blog. Fashion and lifestyle blogging, fiction story writing, even physically typing or handwriting gives me a weird sense of satisfaction, and I have no idea why but it really does make me happy. At school, most people groan about having to write essays and stuff but I honestly don't mind because I love to write and also learn new things. I would love to write sort of an e-book on my blog, so let me know if you would read that!

5. People.
My family and friends mean everything to me. It really does make me upset to see teenagers my age disrespecting and being rude to their parents. You're lucky enough to have people in your life that raised you and love you. Some people don't have that. Take a few moments out of your day to say I love you to your family because you never know what could happen. My little sister and I are best friends and tell each other anything and everything. I don't even have to be friends with someone for them to make me smile. You won't get along with everyone, but focus on the good people and they are guaranteed to be a prime source of happiness.

6. Baking.
There is something so lovely about whipping up a treat and getting a positive reaction to something you made. It is a relaxing alternative to aimlessly scrolling through social media. I can't wait to teach my children how to bake all my family favourites, because I can remember balancing on my tiptoes in my little apron that was dotted with mini Russian dolls. It's a really fun thing to do with friends too.

7. Business.
I don't mean business as in money making methods, or what you leave behind after a trip to the toilet {hehe}, I mean those days when you have a lot of things planned. It makes me feel like I'm making the most of my life in a way. It's a great feeling to lie in bed at the end of the day thinking of all the things you spent your day doing. I hate doing nothing, because I'm a big believer in making the most of the time you've been gifted.

8. Acting & Theatre.
Being the odd person I am, when I'm reading, I'll often use the book as a script. Or when I'm watching television or a film and there isn't anyone in the room, I'll act along with the characters. Acting is something I really enjoy. I especially love theatre because it can link acting to dancing and music. There is no feeling like expressing yourself on the stage, and I would love to experience it more often.

9. Seasons.
I guess this ties in with my love for all different kinds of weather, but sitting back and watching the seasons change makes me really happy. The fashion trends, the little traditions you may treasure and the excitement for the next new season. I love it and it is one of my favourite things.

10. Fashion.
I love making up a scenario and thinking of what I would wear. What would I dress like if Ashton Irwin asked me on a date? What about my sister's wedding day? A tour of a cupcake factory? Fashion is so flexible and outfits often have power over my self esteem. I also love fashion designing. I own a couple of sketchbooks that are full of drawings of what my catwalk collections would look like. Fashion is very much my thing.

11. Books.
Books give you the ability to escape to another world when reality gets boring, and there are so many worlds to choose from. For the record, physical books are so much better than reading from electronic. There are so many books out there that I'd love to get my hands on and read but so little time!

12. Laughing.
I think laughing is my favourite thing to do, especially when you can't stop. Did you know that there are laughing classes that help you to get fit. You can lose weight by laughing! That's amazing!

13. 5SOS.
I know, I know. Typical teenage girl. But I love everything about Calum, Michael, Ashton and Luke. Whenever I'm feeling a little down I search them up on YouTube and watch their cute lil faces for hours, and that's not even an exaggeration. I have watched them on the Late Late Show with James Corden an unhealthy amount of times.

14. Photography.
I have a wall in my bedroom that I hope to grow that is full of snaps I'm really happy with or that have strong memories associated with them. I love the fact you can freeze a moment in time and keep it forever and it makes me really happy to look back.

15. Ambition & The Future.
Many people are intimidated by the future, but I really love to think about it. I am always thinking of things to add to my ridiculously long bucket list {leave me a comment if you would like me to share some of the things on there}. I love to make lists of goals and I think it's really incredible to think of where you could be in a few years. If you couldn't already tell I'm quite a philosophical person.

I hope this cheered up anybody who came to this post feeling a little down. Leave me a comment telling me five things that make you happy because I would love to know. Keep smiling.

Molly Rose x


  1. This was really enjoyable to read and I have to admit you make me stop and think about things. Your blog is very special and so are you!

    1. Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I thought it was just me and my laptop but it's so amazing to think there is somebody else reading. You've made my day!
