Thursday, March 10, 2016

How To Get Through A Busy Day

Today I found myself with a vast mountain of work to complete, so I whipped out some paper and a pen, wrote myself a to do list and started to tackle each task. I thought it might be a nice idea to show how I cope with those days where you are so busy you might just explode.

A tidy room is essential for me if I want to get anything done at all. When my bed could do with a fix up and there is paper that failed to reach the bin with my terrible aim all over the floor, it distracts me and kind of makes me feel lazy. Once I neaten up my work space and surroundings, something in my brain is triggered and it motivates me to get plop done.

I'll then create a to do list of every thing I want to accomplish. This helps me to keep all my tasks in one space and also drives me to chip away at the next assignment. There is something so satisfying about carrying things out the traditional way, with a pen and paper, and illustrating a dainty tick rather than clicking a box inspires me a whole lot more.

Before I actually do what I need to do, I will take half an hour of my time to practise some simple yoga, which prepares me for business and releasing my stress. It makes me feel happy and alive, and instead of moaning about my homework, my mind positively transforms so that I appreciate the opportunities I receive with my education, and I recognise how some people are so desperate to be in my position. I start to welcome my learning in a warming manner, and I notice how privileged I am to live where I do.

Whilst I'm actually working, I make a point of keeping a large glass of water near me, that I refill frequently. Sometimes I store some treats on my desk too, to use as cheeky rewards. And being British, means I simply must sip away at several cups of tea all day. During my breaks, I enjoy reading and scrolling through studyblrs.

Thank you for reading and I hope your work load isn't stressing you out too much! I'd love it if you could leave a comment suggesting what I could write about next.

Molly Rose x

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