Thursday, March 10, 2016

Good Morning World

Waking up to the gift of a new day is something very special, although most of us seem to groggily groan at the thought of it. Mornings are full of potential, and serene strolls admiring the sunrise. If you would just get out of bed you would see how peaceful and different the world becomes at this time of day. Here is what I typically get up to after an almighty stretch complete with some rather alarming noises.

1. Read
The moment I open my eyes and recognise my consciousness, I'll pick up my current book. At the moment, that would be Mockingjay, which I'm extremely late to the party with reading, but I'm absolutely loving the action packed into it, and how every chapter closes on a gripping cliff-hanger. Reading awakens my brain to get started for the day.

2. General Getting Readyness
I'll say goodbye to my bed, and dress it in its many pillows before throwing open my curtains. I'll then head straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and gulp down a gigantic glass of water, which is following by styling my hair, outfit and makeup if I'm feeling it.

3. Breakfast
I forgot to mention this is my weekend morning routine, so I can cook up an especially scrumptious breakfast. If anyone else is up, I'll provide for them too. This is also the moment I slurp my first tea of the day. I'll typically poach some eggs and serve it with toast, because I'm not allowed to operate the oven until my parents are awake for safety reasons.

4. Go For A Walk
I like to explore different places in my neighbourhood and just take detours. Sometimes I'll encounter a playground and I'll sway on the swings. It's nice to get some fresh air. Alternatively, I'll just do some yoga at home.

5. Make A Schedule ... Maybe
It doesn't have to be too detailed but outlining my day aids in ensuring I'm not wasting it. Sometimes I'm just not really in the mood for writing it out though so I'll just float through through dawn to dark.

Thank you for reading, leave me a comment telling me your favourite thing to eat for breakfast!

Molly Rose x

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