Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Disconnected: A Goodbye

I'm writing this on my phone in a bit of a panic because if I look hard enough, I can trace every reader of my blog. Two girls from my school have been viewing my posts. I wanted to remain anonymous on all my blogs because then I can share more personal things. I will be making a new blog for the type of posts I'd normally put on here. I've checked and they haven't seen my other blogs and my main blog. I'm just a bit upset because I love blogging on all my different blogs. I can imagine they have been making fun of me. Probably cackled at my 'everything is amazing' post on here.

I have told a select few of my internet friends about all the blogs I run. I'm still going to be posting on those blogs and posts will still be up every monday, Friday and Saturday on my main blog. I can just shut this one down. My posts will still be here but there won't be anymore.

If the two girls are reading this post, I don't want to fall out over this, but I ask for you to not search for my other blogs. It's a hobby that I like to keep to myself and it's quite upsetting to me that I have to shut down this blog that I've had for a long time. It's something I love to do and keep to myself. Staying anonymous is important to me. Please don't tell others because quite frankly that's disrespecting my privacy. If you want to talk to me about it, that's fine.

Sorry this was such a negative post, I'm a little angry if truth be told.

So yeah, this is goodbye I guess.

Lots of love, Molly.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My After School Routine 2k16

{Disclaimer: Don't mean to sound like an arse already, but unless I say otherwise, all photographs featured on this blog are my own, including this one, so please give credit if you decide to use it please and thanks k bye}

Hello my darlings, it's been a while!

I've been caught up in school stuff with the transition into my GCSE courses and I've also been trying to set up my YouTube channel. I've filmed a couple of videos, however the camera I use is my iPhone camera, and the quality bugs me so I don't think they are really good enough to upload. Maybe one day ... 

Also, I'm planning to update my blog a bit, with a new name: DizziLizzi or FizziLizzi ~ I haven't really decided yet so do let me know what you think! Oh, and unless you haven't already sussed it out, my name is actually Lizzi, not Molly Rose, I just liked the way it sounds hehe :)

Anyways, y'all are gathered here today for my after school routine, so that is what I'm going to write about. 

1. Breathe
After my longggg journey from school to home, I like to give myself a little bit of time to relax and take a deep breath. This session includes taking off my shoes, blazer and backpack, washing my hands and, in true British style, pouring myself a good old cuppa tea. I'll just sit and catch up with my own thoughts, probably with a few strawberry bon bons as they are my favourite food at the moment.

2. Pop To The Gym
Gym work is my physical section of my Duke of Edinburgh award course, so I'm training everyday and documenting it along the way (that rhymed, how exciting!). I just change into a baggy tee and some leggings, pack a lil' gym bag with typical gym stuff (water bottle, keys, money for the locker, my inhaler, headphones etc.). Shove on my trainers and I'm good to go.

3. Dinnertime
I'm young and lucky enough that my parents cook delicious dinners for me. It's the best feeling coming home from the gym to a warming home-cooked meal. Yes, yes, yes. This is the time where I'll have my second (or sometimes third oops) cup of tea of the evening. 

4. Refreshments
After dinner I hop in the shower to scrub away the marks of the day (another rhyme hehe). Then I'll just put on my pyjamas, comb through my hair brush my teeth and get started on my homework, with a cup of tea

5. Winding Down Time
This is often between the hours of eight and ten where I'll just watch some tele, watch YouTube, write my story, play some vinyl records, read, go on my phone, write a diary entry and all that jazz. I'll also have a cup of tea. And then I go to sleep.

Molly x

Monday, May 2, 2016

25 Things To Do With Your Friends

If I'm being completely honest, I don't leave the house as often as the typical girl my age normally does. It's something I'd love to change as I'm big on making the most of your life and sometimes I feel like spending time with friends is essential to fulfilling that, yet I really do think I would go out more if I had slightly more creative ideas for outings and things to do. There's only so much shopping I can do before it becomes completely tedious for me. I get bored of things very easily and appreciate variety, so I thought I'd compile a list of alternatives to browsing shops for a couple of hours every weekend.

1. Baking
2. Sign up for a yoga class
3. Photoshoot
4. Day Trip To Brighton // London
5. Make a scrapbook
6. Movie marathon
7. Style each other's hair, makeup and outfit for the rest of the day
8. Film a YouTube video
9. Go for a breakfast or lunch date
10. Go to the cinema
11. Swimming
12. Go to a pottery painting place
13. Create a DIY project together
14. Concerts
15. Festivals
16. Prank calls
17. Road trip
18. Spend a day at the beach
19. Visit an art gallery
20. Go to the zoo
21. Go to the aquarium
22. Leave cute notes around places in town
23. Have a study date
24. Have a pamper evening together
25. Picnic

I apologise for the lack of posts recently, I've been incredibly busy with my German Exchange student, we went indoor skydiving last weekend!
Comments make me really excited so I'd love it if you could leave me one telling me your favourite thing to do with your friends - it would actually help :)
I've recently been thinking about starting a YouTube channel but I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it or not so please leave your opinion down below.
Also, can you believe it's May already?!

Molly x

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Everything Is Incredible

I'm feeling like I need to write so here I am, and the topic I have to offer today is one of peculiarity.

What can you see?
I can see my fingers crawling across the keyboard, as fresh words of my mind are typed on to the computer screen. I'm in my bedroom, which is looking scruffier than I'd like it to be to be honest. My bed remains unmade, duvet slipping from its place of belonging, pillows strewn beside it scattered on the floor, and me, plonked on top of it all, blogging. Ahead of me is where my desk is situated. I can see a toppling tower of schoolbooks, a calendar with the only purpose of creating an appearance that says 'I have my plop together', I even made use of a blooming colour code. A schedule for when my German exchange partner arrives, which I am now finding very fascinating, because it is almost a time teleportation device. In the future I will do those very things, isn't that incredible? My photography wall above with its accurately placed memories overlooks the rest of my familiar bedroom, which also captivates me as I can travel along the other direction in time. Extraordinary.

What is even more astounding to me is that nobody else is seeing what I am seeing right now. If another being was in my bedroom accompanying me, they wouldn't have the ability to see exactly what I can see at the same time as me. I could see their face, and they could see mine. We cannot see our own faces. A mirror is a reflection, you can't hold your own face as you could in reality, in a photograph. Another interesting matter is time. What is it? It's not actually a real thing in a way. Humans created the concept yet it's so difficult for me, personally, to envision a world without it. The world. The universe. How is it possible that the universe goes on forever and ever? How the hell did we come to live? If your answer to that question is God, what is God? What was the first thing ever to exist, but then where did it come from? Does there really need to be a first thing? You have a brain, you have a heart, you have skin and all these factors of humans, do you not find that amazing?

I guess what I'm trying to get across is that EVERYTHING is incredible, if you just think about it. Really, really, THINK.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

March Purchases / Haul & A Lil Chit Chat

Yesterday, while my mum was receiving a fresh hairstyle at the salon, my sister and I snooped around the shops for an hour. I picked up a few knick knacks that I thought would be fun to share with you here on my blog! I apologise in advance for the rushed photography supporting this post, I couldn't quite find a nice composition so I hope it doesn't bother you too much!

I bought five things in total, and I'm very pleased with my purchases.

I love to pop into paperchase when I spend time in town, and this time round I collected a couple of items. The first being a tumblr, a sippy cup, a drinking utensil, I have no idea what to call this but I think it's so adorable! It's decorated with colourful cartoon watermelons, and features a lid and a straw which makes me more excited than it probably should. I've found it really has helped me to increase my water intake, which is something I've been attempting for a while. It's a lot more fun to drink from something pretty. I believe this costed me £7.00.

I also picked out a notebook from Paperchase, as I've always been a bit stationery mad. It pleases me immensely that I have the matching folder too. It's from the rustic raindrops collection that they have had going on these past few months {that's not the real name, I made that up.} I like that the lines are narrow inside, because I have the tiniest handwriting in the world, and often find that to be an issue for me in paperchase. The book is also thick and I like to have lots of pages for some reason. I think this only took £6.00 from me, so I'm very happy with that.

From Boots, I topped up my cleanser supply, as I'm running out of one of my favourite products which is the Simple Kind To Skin Moisturising Facial Wash. I use this every day, just in the shower, to keep my spots away. I am in no way a beauty expert but I'd definitely recommend this product for my fellow sufferers of eczema and it is an absolute bargain at £2.50. I spotted a little bottle of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water on offer for £1.00. I'd heard great things about this product, so I grabbed it because you can't go wrong with a price like that. I'll get back to you when I use it and see if it really is worth the hype, but also suitable for people with eczema.

Lastly, I scanned The Body Shop for their tea tree range as my friends are always rambling on about them. I settled with Tea Tree Targeted Gel, which I spent £6.50 on. I don't have much to say about it really, apart from it is very small, and the applicator is like a lipgloss stick. I'm excited to see if it ives up to my expectations!

While I'm here I might as well talk a little longer and discuss my goals for April. My German Exchange partner will be travelling here next month, so I'd like her to feel welcomed and enjoy her stay. Hopefully this will be an excuse to have a few adventures myself, as that is my main goal for April 2016, to get off my bum and do stuff. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Please leave a comment suggesting some products I should try out or your favourite shop!

Molly Rose x

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Good Morning World

Waking up to the gift of a new day is something very special, although most of us seem to groggily groan at the thought of it. Mornings are full of potential, and serene strolls admiring the sunrise. If you would just get out of bed you would see how peaceful and different the world becomes at this time of day. Here is what I typically get up to after an almighty stretch complete with some rather alarming noises.

1. Read
The moment I open my eyes and recognise my consciousness, I'll pick up my current book. At the moment, that would be Mockingjay, which I'm extremely late to the party with reading, but I'm absolutely loving the action packed into it, and how every chapter closes on a gripping cliff-hanger. Reading awakens my brain to get started for the day.

2. General Getting Readyness
I'll say goodbye to my bed, and dress it in its many pillows before throwing open my curtains. I'll then head straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and gulp down a gigantic glass of water, which is following by styling my hair, outfit and makeup if I'm feeling it.

3. Breakfast
I forgot to mention this is my weekend morning routine, so I can cook up an especially scrumptious breakfast. If anyone else is up, I'll provide for them too. This is also the moment I slurp my first tea of the day. I'll typically poach some eggs and serve it with toast, because I'm not allowed to operate the oven until my parents are awake for safety reasons.

4. Go For A Walk
I like to explore different places in my neighbourhood and just take detours. Sometimes I'll encounter a playground and I'll sway on the swings. It's nice to get some fresh air. Alternatively, I'll just do some yoga at home.

5. Make A Schedule ... Maybe
It doesn't have to be too detailed but outlining my day aids in ensuring I'm not wasting it. Sometimes I'm just not really in the mood for writing it out though so I'll just float through through dawn to dark.

Thank you for reading, leave me a comment telling me your favourite thing to eat for breakfast!

Molly Rose x

How To Get Through A Busy Day

Today I found myself with a vast mountain of work to complete, so I whipped out some paper and a pen, wrote myself a to do list and started to tackle each task. I thought it might be a nice idea to show how I cope with those days where you are so busy you might just explode.

A tidy room is essential for me if I want to get anything done at all. When my bed could do with a fix up and there is paper that failed to reach the bin with my terrible aim all over the floor, it distracts me and kind of makes me feel lazy. Once I neaten up my work space and surroundings, something in my brain is triggered and it motivates me to get plop done.

I'll then create a to do list of every thing I want to accomplish. This helps me to keep all my tasks in one space and also drives me to chip away at the next assignment. There is something so satisfying about carrying things out the traditional way, with a pen and paper, and illustrating a dainty tick rather than clicking a box inspires me a whole lot more.

Before I actually do what I need to do, I will take half an hour of my time to practise some simple yoga, which prepares me for business and releasing my stress. It makes me feel happy and alive, and instead of moaning about my homework, my mind positively transforms so that I appreciate the opportunities I receive with my education, and I recognise how some people are so desperate to be in my position. I start to welcome my learning in a warming manner, and I notice how privileged I am to live where I do.

Whilst I'm actually working, I make a point of keeping a large glass of water near me, that I refill frequently. Sometimes I store some treats on my desk too, to use as cheeky rewards. And being British, means I simply must sip away at several cups of tea all day. During my breaks, I enjoy reading and scrolling through studyblrs.

Thank you for reading and I hope your work load isn't stressing you out too much! I'd love it if you could leave a comment suggesting what I could write about next.

Molly Rose x

Sunday, March 6, 2016

You Only Live Once

As cheesy as it may sound, I'm an enormous believer in making the most of every moment in your life. I can't stand having nothing to do, or watching my little sister begin to waste her days away scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. I really think it is important appreciate this planet and do the things you desire, which is why I'm going to be sharing a few things on my bucket list.

1. Go To Glastonbury
Every single thing about festivals sounds like fun. The music, the fashion and the time spent with friends. Glastonbury is the biggest festival in the UK, and they manage to rig in some amazing artists.
2. Travel The World
I might write about my travel bucket list another time, but for now I'll leave you with a short list: Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Milan, Florida, California, New York, Paris, Bangkok and so many more.
3. Dip Dye My Hair Lilac
This is something I'm desperate to do in the summer ahead. I'm growing my hair so that I can dye it then cut the dyed parts off for when I go back to school. I'd dye it a really light lilac, because I have blonde hair.
4. Play Hide And Seek In A Graveyard At Night
I'm a lover of anything spooky, and the only thing that properly scares me is the supernatural. I'm not sure who I would get to play with me though, I don't think many of my friends would be up for that strangely enough.
5. Sew A Summer Dress
I've made a skirt before, so I suppose the next step is to make my own dress. Summer dresses are actually my favourite item of clothing ever, so I hope to head down to the fabric shop soon.
6. Fall In Love
If I find someone special, my plan is to get married and have three children. However, if this doesn't end up being the case, I'll show the world that I can achieve great things without a man! That being said, I'd like to fall in love at least once in my life, even if they don't end up being right for me.
7. Star Gaze
Space and the universe is fascinating to me, and I've realised that I don't often get to lie back and analyse the constellations.
8. Go Indoor Sky Diving
This definitely sounds like something I would love. I've been desperate to do this since I was tiny and I really hope I get to fulfil that in the future.
9. Go To A Trampoline Park
I'm a very energetic person, and even though a trampoline was the cause of my broken leg, my bouncy tendencies have not been destroyed.
10. Learn To Ski
This is something I want to do for the sake of doing it. It just sounds like fun.
11. Learn To Surf
I could be one of those effortlessly flawless girls you see at the beach who just seem so zen and chilled, which in my opinion isn't a bad thing to be.
12. Bake Every Dish In A Cook Book
Baking is something that makes me very happy, and something I would love to be doing more often. The cookery book I have in mind is Tanya Burr's new cookery book which will be released in the summertime. There is no doubt that I will be picking that up!
13. See A Broadway Show
Living near London has allowed me to take a few trips to cinemas in the west end, which if you didn't know is basically the UK's version of broadway. Everything is bigger in America, so broadway sounds like somewhere I want to be.
14. Go To Thorpe Park Dressed As A Disney Princess
My friends and I once decided that we wanted to go to a theme park dressed as the Disney princesses that we look most like and we never got around to it. It doesn't matter how old I am, I am determined to do this still!
15. Learn How To Play 'River Flows In You' On The Piano
For some reason, this song reminds me of my Grandma and makes me cry every time I listen to it. I think it's such a meaningful and beautiful song, and I'd love to learn how to play it myself.
16. Release A Floating Lantern
This seems like it would make the most magical night because I always love things like that. It would also be really romantic to do with a partner.
17. Watch A Sunrise/Sunset At The Beach
If you have read my previous post, you'll know that I adore the sky. It would just be really serene to sit on the beach whilst watching the sun awaken or retire.
18. Become A Morning Person
I have always liked the idea of waking up early, because you would have so much more time to do things you need to do before the day ends. I actually really like mornings if I'm conscious when they arrive, but I'm just going to use the excuse that I'm a teenager for now.
19. Tell Scary Stories And Sing Around A Campfire
Although I expect I would be a little nervous around the fire, watching it cautiously, it would be great to let go and have a lil sing song. I've sang with my friends on coach journeys for school trips, and I've always had a wide grin across my face while doing so. A campfire would make it so atmospherical.
20. Write A Fiction Chapter Book
I'm pretty sure the book will end up being released chapter by chapter on this blog, but at the moment I have a case of writer's block, so I'm trying to conjure up some juicy plots.
21. Complete A Scrapbook
It would be so cool to have a scrapbook for each time I tick an experience of my bucket list. I love little keepsakes that I can treasure when I'm elderly.
22. Participate In A Colour Run
It's probably about time I did some exercise, so running with colour sounds like the perfect solution. Just think of all the incredible photographs I could take!
23. Play Hide And Seek In Ikea
It's only now it's come to my attention that in the back of my mind I must have a secret fondness for the game of hide and seek. First a graveyard, then in Ikea! This is another thing I was supposed to get around to doing with my friends but we never did, and I still want to try.
24. Make A Dream Catcher
Dream catchers make a room look so boho-and-Moroccan-esque and that is definitely a vibe I wouldn't mind bringing to my space. They also have such a sweet meaning.
25. Have A Water Balloon Fight
I'm like a Labrador in the sense that I'm led to water. I have no clue why this is, but I love the sea and swimming and Jacuzzis and baths, so a water balloon fight would be something I'd be attracted to.

This is only a small selection of the things I'd like to do and I'd love to write more about my bucket list. Let me know if you would like to see that by leaving a comment telling me three things that you want to do before you kick the bucket.

Sorry this post seems a little rushed, my writing juices don't seem to be flowing today, which is a little worrying as I have a lot of homework to do. I'd better go and do that.

Molly Rose x

Monday, February 29, 2016

My Happiness

Recently my mood has been a bit all over the place, I guess it's my body changing and all that jazz, but I wanted to write this while I'm feeling bubbly and positive, so when I'm perhaps not in such a good mood, I can read over this and it will hopefully make me smile. In no particular order, here are a few things that make me happy.

1. The Sky
Looking up at the sky is always guaranteed to give me a little joy as I adore every type of weather there is. Sunny skies make feel alive and bright, dreary skies make me feel cosy and sunsets or sunrises are always gorgeous. I feel as if the sky also makes me feel grateful for the world we are so lucky to live in, and I start appreciating the little things.

2. Tea.
I'm very much the stereotypical British girl, and I love it. In the words of Carrie Hope Fletcher {who I love by the way}, tea is 'a hug in a mug'. It just makes me feel so cosy and relaxed, and I'm rarely without a cup of the stuff near by. It concerns me to think of the accumulative amount of time I've spent making tea.

3. Travelling.
I have so many places I'm desperate to visit that I haven't already. Travelling is so exciting and refreshing. I plan to see as much of the planet as I can in my lifetime. I recently spent some time in Germany, as you may have read in my previous post, and it reminded me of how many incredible opportunities there are that would be such a shame not to take.

4. Writing.
My love for writing is the reason I started this blog. Fashion and lifestyle blogging, fiction story writing, even physically typing or handwriting gives me a weird sense of satisfaction, and I have no idea why but it really does make me happy. At school, most people groan about having to write essays and stuff but I honestly don't mind because I love to write and also learn new things. I would love to write sort of an e-book on my blog, so let me know if you would read that!

5. People.
My family and friends mean everything to me. It really does make me upset to see teenagers my age disrespecting and being rude to their parents. You're lucky enough to have people in your life that raised you and love you. Some people don't have that. Take a few moments out of your day to say I love you to your family because you never know what could happen. My little sister and I are best friends and tell each other anything and everything. I don't even have to be friends with someone for them to make me smile. You won't get along with everyone, but focus on the good people and they are guaranteed to be a prime source of happiness.

6. Baking.
There is something so lovely about whipping up a treat and getting a positive reaction to something you made. It is a relaxing alternative to aimlessly scrolling through social media. I can't wait to teach my children how to bake all my family favourites, because I can remember balancing on my tiptoes in my little apron that was dotted with mini Russian dolls. It's a really fun thing to do with friends too.

7. Business.
I don't mean business as in money making methods, or what you leave behind after a trip to the toilet {hehe}, I mean those days when you have a lot of things planned. It makes me feel like I'm making the most of my life in a way. It's a great feeling to lie in bed at the end of the day thinking of all the things you spent your day doing. I hate doing nothing, because I'm a big believer in making the most of the time you've been gifted.

8. Acting & Theatre.
Being the odd person I am, when I'm reading, I'll often use the book as a script. Or when I'm watching television or a film and there isn't anyone in the room, I'll act along with the characters. Acting is something I really enjoy. I especially love theatre because it can link acting to dancing and music. There is no feeling like expressing yourself on the stage, and I would love to experience it more often.

9. Seasons.
I guess this ties in with my love for all different kinds of weather, but sitting back and watching the seasons change makes me really happy. The fashion trends, the little traditions you may treasure and the excitement for the next new season. I love it and it is one of my favourite things.

10. Fashion.
I love making up a scenario and thinking of what I would wear. What would I dress like if Ashton Irwin asked me on a date? What about my sister's wedding day? A tour of a cupcake factory? Fashion is so flexible and outfits often have power over my self esteem. I also love fashion designing. I own a couple of sketchbooks that are full of drawings of what my catwalk collections would look like. Fashion is very much my thing.

11. Books.
Books give you the ability to escape to another world when reality gets boring, and there are so many worlds to choose from. For the record, physical books are so much better than reading from electronic. There are so many books out there that I'd love to get my hands on and read but so little time!

12. Laughing.
I think laughing is my favourite thing to do, especially when you can't stop. Did you know that there are laughing classes that help you to get fit. You can lose weight by laughing! That's amazing!

13. 5SOS.
I know, I know. Typical teenage girl. But I love everything about Calum, Michael, Ashton and Luke. Whenever I'm feeling a little down I search them up on YouTube and watch their cute lil faces for hours, and that's not even an exaggeration. I have watched them on the Late Late Show with James Corden an unhealthy amount of times.

14. Photography.
I have a wall in my bedroom that I hope to grow that is full of snaps I'm really happy with or that have strong memories associated with them. I love the fact you can freeze a moment in time and keep it forever and it makes me really happy to look back.

15. Ambition & The Future.
Many people are intimidated by the future, but I really love to think about it. I am always thinking of things to add to my ridiculously long bucket list {leave me a comment if you would like me to share some of the things on there}. I love to make lists of goals and I think it's really incredible to think of where you could be in a few years. If you couldn't already tell I'm quite a philosophical person.

I hope this cheered up anybody who came to this post feeling a little down. Leave me a comment telling me five things that make you happy because I would love to know. Keep smiling.

Molly Rose x

Saturday, February 20, 2016

My Adventures In Germany

I went to Germany back at the beginning of November, so a long while ago now, but I still wanted to share my experiences on my blog as I had the most amazing time. It was an exchange organised by my school, which means I was accommodated by a German student. The house was very large and traditional, and her family owned a delightful bakery, from which my breakfast and lunch was provided every day. My favourites were the pain au chocolat, the most delicious I've ever tasted, and the gigantic cheesecake. The pastries were just so stereotypically German: enormous sticky tarts topped with sweet criss-cross dough, lines and columns of creatively contrasted breads and puffy savouries dotted with raisins and currants. That was the first place I visited after I was picked up.

I collected a couple of snaps from my journey there, photos from plane windows are some of my favourites to take. After landing, we hopped onto a coach that would take us to the German school, where all our exchange partners were waiting. I wasn't too nervous, which surprised me. It took me a while to find her once we were released in the crowd of exchange partners, but we eventually recognised each other and hugged. We drove to their bakery first, then to their home, where I was guided around on a short tour before unpacking. She gave me her bedroom, which was lovely of her. I had brought some gifts for the family from England, to help break the ice if it was needed. A box filled with cakes, some different types of teas and shortbread.

The next day was possibly my favourite one. School took us to Mannheim Palace, where we dressed in traditional German clothing and learnt a simple dance. Boys sported frilly waistcoats of hideous patterns, and heavy dresses were hoisted upon the girls. We even had to carry those cage type things that women would wear years ago to make their hips look ridiculously large. We were taught a dance in the ballroom, and my dress was so lengthy I had to be cautious to gather it up in my hands. We didn't change from our costumes until after our tour which featured several stairs, not the most desirable object to encounter whilst being weighed down by an enormous frock. I was petrified to fall!

We then travelled by tram to Luisenpark, beautiful green grounds with a mini zoo, a serene lake offering boat trips and a dense forest among its wonders. Here, we spent the afternoon for our free time. We ate lunch on a bunch of deck chairs we found, my friends and I decided to play hide and seek it which really took me back to my primary school memories. It was so fun! I also remember exploring with another friend, and we were both in a really giggly mood, and created so many little jokes. Everything is so much better when you feel like that. I'm really sad that I didn't take any photos on that day, because I have so many happy memories.

Although the day after I took tons of photographs and that was when we went to Frankfurt. The day before was with only the English students, but this day the German students came along too. On our arrival, we were shown around Frankfurt's old town by the German history teacher. We got to admire the pretty buildings and go inside the politics building before scaling a towering church spire, in order to get the best possible views of the city. We were all exhausted by our arrival at the top, definitely worth it though!

Frankfurt really reflected everything I expected Germany to be. We then dragged our aching thighs to the film museum, where we were shown the sort of evolution of film making. We were able to stand in front of a green screen and see ourselves in a world where the ants looked down on us, and there were also loads of props and costumes from huge blockbuster productions like Star Wars. I also loved the mini theatre with the projector that displayed a funny little man dancing across the wall.

In our free time that day, we headed to the shops. I bought three little Christmas tree ornaments to take back home seeing as it was the festive season. We had half an hour to spare before we needed to meet up with the other students and the teachers, so we popped into starbucks and grabbed some hot chocolate to keep us toasty while we waited in the winter weather for everybody else to make an appearance.

I remember the coach ride back from Frankfurt included lots of singalongs with one of my best friends, and I just remember being very happy that night.

The weekend was a time for the host families to share their favourite gems of Germany. On the Saturday, my partner and I met up with some of my friends and their partners in a city called Ludwigshafen. We travelled by train, and just outside the station there were bungee trampolines and a mini fairground. We then headed to the shopping centre and picked up a few things as well as eating dinner at a little café. During our time in the mall, a traditional German Christmas market had been set up. It was a lovely experience to be in the country of its origin. I'm grateful that we went in the lead up to Christmas, because it really got me into the festive spirit. There were bright fairground rides including a carousel. After we'd spent a bit of time nosing around the stalls, we took a quick trip down to the river side that reflected the city lights and took a couple of snaps.

Then on the Sunday, we attended a dinner at a posh hotel that had been booked for the staff at the family bakery. There were beautiful gardens at the hotel, so my partner, her sisters and I played hide and seek. We then headed to the countryside and ended up playing mini golf at a course we stumbled across. I came second, which isn't bad for my first game!

The next day, we spent our time in Speyer, where the school and host families were based. We spent three lessons in their classes. Their English teacher was speaking nonsense! After that we walked down to the town hall to meet with the mayor, who told us about the history of Speyer and some interesting facts followed by some refreshments. In our free time, we went to a cute little café to treat ourselves with ice creams before popping down to the river Rhine for a boat ride.

On our last full day in Germany, we travelled to Heidelberg. We visited the student prison which had a really interesting history and every inch of every wall and ceiling was covered in ancient graffiti, the bridge, and the castle. It was a lovely way to end the exchange.

I had so much fun in Germany and was really impressed and grateful for all the day trips and activities the language teachers had planned for us. Thank you for reading and well done if you made it this far! Leave me a comment telling me your favourite place that you have travelled to!

Molly Rose x

Saturday, February 13, 2016

DIY Surprise Movie Party

My sister and I have had the past couple of days off school, as our half term holidays started early due to inset days. We decided that we wanted to make the most of this time, because both our parents were at work so we were home alone for a few hours each day. We really felt like we needed to give a little something back to our mum and dad, seeing as they have done so much for us. So we decided to put together a little surprise movie night for when they came back from work.

We brainstormed these ideas the weekend before, and checked the date at dinner instead of assuming they would both be free this Friday night. This is definitely a good thing to do as it would be a disaster if they got home and had work to finish, or had plans to meet up with friends. We also arranged it so that our mum picked our dad up, making sure they came home at exactly the same time. The only thing we had issues with was food. Our favourite cuisine is Chinese, so we were going to order a takeaway, but we didn't think through the pickup times, as this takeaway didn't do delivery. It was all okay in the end though!

When our parents walked in through the door, we made them a cup of tea and brought up the food situation. We ended up eating before we revealed the surprise. Then I retrieved the first clue for the treasure hunt from my bedroom, and played the music playlist we made for the party. It had songs like 'At The End Of The Day' from Les Mis, 'He's A Pirate' from Pirates Of The Caribbean and 'I Wan'na Be Like You' from The Jungle Book. Here are the clues we made. We sourced them from random sites we found on pinterest.

1. Finding the clue will be a treat! Look for it where you grab something to eat.
2. Now that you are nicely fed, go to the place where Moj lays her head.
3. The next place that you'll need to look, is where Lizzi would pick up a book.
4. Have you heard the news? The next clue is where we keep our shoes.
5. Looking for the missing link? Take a peek in our bathroom sink.
6. Have we left you wanting more? Why not check the front door.
7. When our clothes get dirty, here is where they go. Find this spot and the next clue you'll know.
8. Diddly doo, diddly dee, the next one's where you go to pee.
9. Every evening it's where we meet, look under the place where we sit to eat.
10. If you want your teeth to shine, pick this up and spend some time.
11. Looking for the final prize, the next one's where Lizzi looks into her eyes.

The prize for the treasure hunt was four tickets, with each of our names on them. We also made a sign for the door to the living room, that said 'Place Tickets Here' in my attempt at calligraphy. There was a pocket on the sign for the tickets. I framed the sign with purple paper and made a fake string with plain white paper, so it looked like it was properly hung up.

We opened the door to the living room, which we had decorated with lots of bunting and a huge decorative paper flower. We made curtains and put them over the television by tying fabric with hair bobbles. We put some popcorn, chocolate roses, sweets and crisps in bowls on the table. We put blankets and duvets and cushions on the sofas too.

Once they had sat down, we gave out the voting papers to decide which film we were going to watch. Our options were Alice In Wonderland, Evan Almighty, Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, Les Miserables and About Time. Everybody had to tick the two that they most wanted to watch, and we decided on Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone. However, the DVD wouldn't work for some reason, so we watched a film that Mum bought the other day, about Stephen Hawkings, called The Theory of Everything. While the film was going through the adverts at the beginning, we did a movie quiz, that we got from The Independent website. It was an incredible film, but it was so sad!

We had a lovely evening, and I would definitely recommend surprising your parents like this. Everybody was very happy and we went to bed with smiles on our faces. Leave me a comment telling me something you thank your parents or friends for!

Molly Rose x

Sunday, January 24, 2016

My February Challenge 2016

Welcome to my new blog! It's named after a song by my favourite band, five seconds of summer, and I'm going to be sharing a bit of everything. I've wanted to start blogging for the longest time, and decided that today would be the day.

I feel as if I've already failed my new year's resolutions, there were far too many of them, so I made this challenge for another fresh start in February, where I can focus on something new every day. I hope this can help me to be the best person I can possibly be.

Monday 1st: do my homework as soon as I get in the house.
I often find myself distracted when I get home from school. I kind of float through the evening, and it goes by so fast that I don't ever really sit down and get stuff done. It's just a spot of reading here, a hint of sketching there, and I subconsciously procrastinate. So on Monday 1st I plan to get to work straight away.

Tuesday 2nd: get involved in sports at school.
I feel like I take my phys ed lessons for granted, it's an opportunity to get up and be active, build relationships and practise teamwork, get away from written work and exams. Sometimes it can be difficult, but we have to do it, so why not try your best?

Wednesday 3rd: compliment as many people as I can.
This really is so important. If you're jealous of somebody, tell them. It can relieve that almost negative feeling towards them, and make both of you happy. If you're wondering about what mascara somebody is wearing, where their bag is from, how they got their hair to look so incredible, ask! And it really doesn't have to be about appearance, complimenting somebody can make their day.

Thursday 4th: attend a yoga/pilates class.
I really enjoy yoga, and recently I have been looking into a few classes at my local leisure centre. I'm sure I'll find a friend to join me. I don't really want to go alone as I'm pretty sure I'd be the youngest there, plus everything is just so much more fun with friends.

Friday 5th: raise my hand in class.
It can feel pretty daunting, because nobody wants to get something wrong in front of all their peers. All you have to remember, is that everyone will forget in a few seconds, and that asking or answering a question in class can really boost your understanding of the studies. You can't learn without mistakes.

Saturday 6th: make my sister's birthday magical.
This is more of a personal goal, but if you'd like to take part in this challenge with me, you could change this one to buying somebody a surprise gift, or sharing food or even something completely different. You choose! However, for me, my little sister means everything to me, and I want her to feel appreciated and loved.

Sunday 7th: change a perspective of me.
I'd never be unkind on purpose, but if maybe something came out wrong or I was awkward talking to someone at some point, I'd like to change how they see me, if that makes sense.

Monday 8th: hang out with somebody new.
I feel like I don't hang out with a big enough variety of people, and that's not good for you. I told myself at the beginning of the year that this would be the year I change that, and I may have a late start, but I can still reach that goal before the end of 2016.

Tuesday 9th: arrange a meeting for the weekend.
It's very easy to let yourself slip into nothingness, to sit around in your pyjamas all day, aimlessly scrolling through Instagram. I want to get out and interact with people and create new inside jokes. I feel like I don't get out the house enough so on Tuesday 9th I'm going to plan a trip with my friends.

Wednesday 10th: write something in my bullet journal.
A bullet journal is a really effective way to organise every confusing part of your life in one book. I was inspired by the studyblr community to make one myself, and it's great for writing lists and schedules and all that jazz. I use it when things are piling up on top of each other and it just sets everything straight.

Thursday 11th: reduce phone time.
I'm not too bad with my phone to be honest, but for the entire evening of Thursday 11th I don't want to be on it at all. I just hate the idea of wasting my teenage years away.

Friday 12th: go lane swimming.
I don't mean splashing around, I mean strong strokes. I want to take up swimming every Friday night for proper exercise, and I just find it to be a relaxing and enjoyable way to get your blood pumping.

Saturday 13th: meet up with a friend.
Whether it be brunch, shopping, going to see a film, having a photoshoot ... there are so many things to do and it's really nice to catch up and laugh with those you love.

Sunday 14th: bake something.
I find baking so therapeutic, and it's some real me time. Alternatively, you could do it with a partner, seeing as it is Valentine's Day, but I am a single pringle {I'm also thirteen, so I'm fine with that aha}.

Monday 15th: write a blogpost.
I love writing; stories, songs, pretend magazine articles, it makes me happy and I think it's important to set aside time for things that you enjoy.

Tuesday 16th: set some healthy eating goals.
Treating your body right is beneficial for your immune system, your self esteem and happy thinking! I have a little bit of an addiction to doritos, so I should probably aim to cut down on those.

Wednesday 17th: do some fashion sketches.
One of the reasons I made this blog is to explore more in the world of fashion. I love designing clothes, specifically theatre costumes. I hardly ever sit down and sketch anymore, and I'd love to get back into it.

Thursday 18th: read.
I love reading, and I normally read for about an hour before I sleep, but I set this goal to make sure I continue with it.

Friday 19th: have a bath.
I have so many LUSH bath products left over from Christmas that I need to use, and it's really nice to have a pamper evening once in a while.

Saturday 20th: watch the sunrise.
I have a big appreciation for the sky and it's many wonders, but I don't get to see many sunrises as I'm normally either getting ready or sound asleep. So I'm going to sit on my balcony with my cup of tea and just watch the world prepare for a new day.

Sunday 21st: clean out my wardrobe.
Or should I say 'floordrobe'. I don't really have a wardrobe anymore because it's all shoved on the floor. It's so stressful when I'm trying to find something, or when I realise something needs to be washed, so I just need to get off my bottom and clear it up.

Monday 22nd: end the day feeling productive.
It's so lovely going to sleep knowing you've done something useful with your day, and you've finally gotten those pesky little jobs out of the way.

Tuesday 23rd: no complaining all day.
When something goes wrong, it really shakes me and I can't stop thinking about it. It must be annoying for everyone else to have to put up with me banging on about something they don't give a monkeys about. So I need to stop.

Wednesday 24th: drink eight glasses of water.
The health benefits for this are endless, and I always opt for tea or juice when I have a drink, so I should probably flush all the bad things from my body.

Thursday 25th: take a photo for my wall.
I have a wall above my desk where I put up some of my favourite pictures that I've taken. I'd love to build up more memories there in 2016.

Friday 26th: plan out the weekend.
Planning things out really helps me stay on track. If I don't make a to do list then I'm completely lost.

Saturday 27th: create a work of art.
It could be with paints, pens, pencils or fabrics. I need to start putting my imagination to good use.

Sunday 28th: go to sleep early.
I don't know why, but especially recently I've been feeling really groggy in the mornings, so hopefully adding an extra hour or two to my night might revitalise my body.

Monday 29th: swap an unhealthy food.
i.e. doritos.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and maybe you'd like to do this with me. Click the pin it button below to share this on your board. Leave me a comment telling me what I could improve on for my next blog post.

Molly x

#myenglishloveaffairblog @myenglishloveaffairblog // Instagram & Tumblr